Ośrodek Hodowli Zarodowej Garzyn Kontinuerlig spannmålstork TK3 Rensmaskin 75 ton/timme Skandia transportutrustning 60 & 80 ton/timme 2 x konsilo 402 m³ vardera 3 x lagringssilo 1 509 m³ vardera 1 x lagringssilo 1 279 m³ 1 x bulk-silo 53 m³ PLC Land: Polen Kapacitet: 5116 m³ Status: Slutförd Related Products KONTINUERLIG SPANNMÅLSTORK TK TORNUMs TK kontinuerliga…

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Renbergsvatten’s agriculture is driven by Fredrik Lundström and Mikael Olofsson. Together with an employee, they take care of the daily work on the farm. Renbergsvattnets agriculture conducts a crop cultivation of 335 hectares, where they grow 100 hectares of grain and 235 hectares of green fodder / grassland. The farm is certified. Most of the…

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