High quality drying process with low energy consumption

Tornum grain dryers offer decades of expertise and advanced technology, ensuring efficient, safe grain handling and consistently high quality of the final product. Features like flexible modular systems, and energy-saving innovations make them a reliable choice for the agriculture and grain industry.

Value proposition

Energy efficient

with our smart system we can control the loss of energy and allow us to recirculate heated air

Preserved quality

Gentle drying process that preserves kernels quality


modular flexibility, allowing you to customize the drying process to your specific needs. Direct or indirect heating


The most efficient fire detection system that limits to a minimum of an eventual ignited fire

Quality process

Continuous mixed drying system which is the most efficient, reliable and gentle drying system available on the market

Intelligent Drying process

Cost efficiency, low consumption of energy

Friendly Interface

Intuitive in usage, customizable, drying process parameters records & reports, different control and operation permission levels for different users

Environmental Friendly

Customizable dryers according with dust and sounds emission levels requested by customer

References cases


2023. gada 22. Novembrī Tornum ir iegādājies visas akcijas Silos Metálicos Zaragoza S.L.U. (SIMEZA), kas ir ražošanas uzņēmums ar fokusu uz graudu uzglabāšanas nozari. Iegāde ir papildinājums Tornum Group platformai,

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Hankkija Oy ir Somijas vadošais mazumtirdzniecības tīkls lauksaimniecības nozarē ar aptuveni 800 darbiniekiem un 850 miljonu eiro apgrozījumu (2014. gadā). Hankkija Group pieder Danish Agro Group. Hankkija gadā apsaimnieko aptuveni 150 000

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Turnkey Solution

We are leading global supplier for the agricultural and grain handling industries