Reference Grain


Peter Karlsson operates an integrated pig production with in-house feed preparation. The existing facility has been expanded with a new drying system, including: Tornum dual batch dryer 2×42.5 m³Hot air furnace 640 kW27 m³ intake pit100-ton intake capacityStorage silo 1,800 m³ A key part of this investment is streamlining the process of transferring feed grain…

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Sjönära Lantbruk/ Närefors Egendom

Stefan and Ulrika Erlandsson, together with their sons Henrik and Johan, run Sjönära Lantbruk. The four of them manage the two farms included in the company. The business cultivates 360 hectares, with bread wheat as the primary crop. Additionally, they operate a large-scale beef production with 100 cows, handling the entire rearing process themselves. The…

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Hedåkers Säteri

Hedåkers Säteri AB is run by Elisabeth and Torbjörn Djupmarker, along with their son Johan. They have two employees and additional staff during spring planting and harvest seasons. The farm cultivates 670 hectares, primarily growing winter wheat, winter rapeseed, and oats. In addition to crop production, the family also operates Dataväxt AB, a company developing…

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Lunna Ängarna

Lunna Ängarna Farm is operated by Kjell Einarsson, with his son Oscar Einarsson also working on the farm. They manage a grain cultivation operation spanning 340 hectares of arable land and 110 hectares of forest. The fields are used for growing a variety of seed crops, including barley, oats, peas, and timothy grass. Additionally, winter…

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Stora Markie – 2019

Stora Markie Drifts AB is operated by Patrik Viktorsson, with three to six employees working on the farm depending on the season. The farm cultivates 1,200 hectares of land, with winter wheat being the largest crop. Tornum has once again initiated a project at Stora Markie in Skåne, the most recent project being in 2016.…

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Stora Markie – 2016

Stora Markie Drifts AB is operated by Patrik Viktorsson, with three to six employees working on the farm depending on the season. The farm cultivates 1,200 hectares of land, with winter wheat being the primary crop. The business idea behind the expansion with Tornum is to store their own grain more efficiently than before, while…

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Skofteby Säteri

Skofteby Säteri is owned and operated by the Lundborg family. Together with operations manager Johan Rosén, they cultivate approximately 600 hectares of farmland. The main crops are winter wheat and winter rapeseed, complemented by oats, rye, oil flax, and field beans in the crop rotation. Each year, field trials are conducted on the farm, and…

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Bengt and Agneta Sturesson run three businesses: Fogdegården Lantbruks AB, Herrgårdens Äggproduktion, and Herrgårdsvind AB. These enterprises include large-scale crop farming, producing some seed but primarily grain to meet the farm’s own needs for chicken feed. The egg production yields 1,100 tons of eggs per year. The farm also engages in cattle breeding, with approximately…

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Boberg Storgård

Gustaf Eriksson runs Boberg Storgård, a large-scale egg production farm with 63,000 free-range laying hens. The farm also engages in crop cultivation on 250 hectares, growing wheat, oats, rapeseed, peas, and field beans. Most of the crops are used for in-house production of chicken feed. Gustaf’s business concept is to produce high-quality eggs for human…

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Hankkija Oy is Finland’s leading retail chain in the agricultural sector, with approximately 800 employees and a turnover of 850 million euros (2014). Hankkija Group is owned by the Danish Agro Group. Hankkija manages approximately 150,000 tonnes of grain annually, which is almost half of Finland’s total annual production. One third of the grain is…

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